Well act i didnt knw wht the title should be put, coz i suddenlyt feel want 2 post something here luh..
ryte nw deep in my heart i feel so lost n sunddenly i feel lonely..
i didnt knw y....but this is wht i feel nw...
lol its stupid ryte 2 say that i feel lonely eventho i hv such a loyalty twin beside me n the nicest friends in tagged & also in real world...
but idk..this is i feel ryte nw..
duh this make me feel confused....

Well...act i didnt knw y i feel this 'lonely' feeling, maybe is just b'coz im just missing him? lol..
or im just tired with my life n i feel there is no 1 that cn understand me...maybe that is d main reason y i start feeling this 'lonely' feeling...

Haha..i also dont knw y im telling u here..but sometime in our life we will suddenly feel loney..
n sometime there is no reason y we started feeling this..
is weird ryte?
but sometime that is wht happen 2 us....

Hmm..idk...maybe i just need some time 2 think bout my life?
wht im nt satisfied bout?
or wht  i wanted in my life?
i need more time 2 understand myself luh...
wish me luck 2 finding my real self......huhu...